I get petty excited every time I find a new website or blog to help make teaching easier. So I'm excited to share a few with you that I have recently found. :)
You can see on the top, right hand of my page that I have a button for a fun blog of a stay at home mom, who is a former school teacher with the name "Moffatt Girls" {be sure to stop by and snag a button of hers, she is full of neat ideas}
It was through her blog that I found a neat website teachersnotebook.com This website is there to provide endless ideas, printables, story books, you name it and they will have it. It starts at Pre-K and goes all the way through grade 12, so there is something for everyone on here. Their story of how they began is also a neat read. :)
Most items on there are easily downloaded for a great price, so once you purchase it, you can just download it onto your computer and voila, you're done! It's fantastic!
I just ordered something off of there tonight and I will be sure to share more about it once we download it for school next week. I'm pretty stoked! :)
Now this next website I have actually had saved on my computer for about 2 years now, but somehow I managed to completely forget about it..thankfully I have found it again though! :) This one is called Spellingcity.com It's great to help the kids practice their spelling words, definitions, and prepare for their tests with games, drills and so much more. It's completely free or you can purchase a premium membership at a low annual cost, that will allow you more options.
It's simple and to easy not to use. :) All you have to do is type in your child's name and grade for it to be saved. Then weekly, or as often as you do your spelling words, type in the words you are learning, press save and you're done! They are automatically made into sentences, games, drills, ect.
Hope these sites help make your teaching days easier and more exciting!
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